Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Men
Yes, men have a pelvic floor, just like every human has a pelvis, and they can also benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy. Men are prone to pelvic floor dysfunction as much as women are, although they don't always present in the same way as women, nor are their symptoms addressed in the same way. So how do men present with pelvic floor dysfunction?
Well, they can have urinary incontinence as well as constipation, loose stools, or bowel incontinence. They can also have pain coming from the nerves in the pelvis causing pain around the rectum or genitals. There can also be the presence of hip or low back pain that is originating from the pelvic floor. You may notice these are all very similar conditions women can have as well. Males and females have the same innervation and blood vessels running through their pelvis, it's only the external genitalia that will present differently.
Men of course have a prostate, which women do not have, and disruption of the function of this organ is a different cause for pelvic floor dysfunction as well. Pelvic floor physical therapy for males can be helpful when there is the presence of an enlarged prostate, or after a prostatectomy procedure where some or all of the prostate is removed. Changes in the size of this organ or the removal of it can cause a wide range of symptoms from incontinence, to difficulty starting and stopping a stream of urine, as well as various presentations of pelvic pain throughout daily activities and intercourse.
If you are male and having any of these symptoms- you could benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy!
Call or book an appointment today for your pelvic floor assessment!